TikTok For Your Business: How To Use This Viral App To Grow Your Brand

Small Business Canada

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms. People from all age groups and backgrounds find the app a fun and interesting means of spending time. With the number of users increasing, businesses are tapping into the possibility of TikTok offering to better market their products and services.

Small businesses must leverage the technological possibilities and follow current trends to explore the possibilities the viral app TikTok has to offer for the brand’s growth. 

  1. Creating Optimized Business Accounts 

The TikTok Business Account is a professional account that gives users access to TikTok’s Business Suite. Accessing the app’s entire marketing suite of tools helps gain more followers. It provides TikTok analytics regarding your profile and content, places ads, and promotes videos to help more people discover your videos and navigate your website. 

Creating a business account in TikTok is the first step to starting. To ensure the reach of your handle, it must be optimized by completing the profile and updating it with the bio, profile photo, and URL. Providing a holistic idea of your brand will boost its visibility and increase its customer base.

  1. Understanding The Audience 

Just as understanding your target audience is essential for businesses, creating audience-specific content for TikTok is also important. Business owners must study their platform’s target audience, behavior, interests, and preferences to create content that can gain their attention and lead to possible conversions. 

The major demographic using TokTok is in their teens and 20s. However, with each age group, the interest varies. Therefore, it’s crucial to follow the latest trends, understand what is popular among them, and focus on producing content that will provide positive results. For example, the attention span is minimal among the younger generation. Hence, it is important to create compelling content to gain their attention in the limited time that TikTok provides for each video. 

  1. Creating Content-Rich Posts

TikTok videos can range from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. But the aim is to create short, crisp content that can get the audience’s attention as quickly as possible. As people swipe up from one video to the next, your chance of getting their attention is reduced to a fraction of a second. Hence, it would be best to put intense thought and minute detail into each video you upload. 

The video quality, voice-over accompanying it, and even background music you choose to add must be thought out, planned and executed with utmost detailing. People appreciate an aesthetically pleasing video with a content-rich script with pleasant or suiting music in the background. 

  1. Partnering with Influencers 

The most tried, tested, and proven marketing strategy on social media platforms is collaborating with influencers for reach. An influencer is a person who has vast and established followers on TikTok and whose words and actions can influence the people who follow them. Hence, a partnership with them can change the fate of your business overnight. 

Brands must choose from the pool of influencers they would like to collaborate with. They must choose someone who is followed by the demographic the brand caters to and someone who has a reputation for being ethical with a moral foundation and principles. In addition, the association with the influencer must be seen as a positive action, leading to brand visibility, increased customer base, and sales. 

  1. Study the Platform and Use Insights 

When planning to venture out onto the TikTok platform, small businesses must first research and understand if the investment in producing social media content is worth their time and expense. They must look at whether the customer group they cater to is present on the platform, their interests, and how such an investment will benefit the growth of the business. 

Suppose they find that the platform suits their business operations and marketing strategy. In that case, they must constantly look into the data and insights that TikTok offers the business accounts to learn and understand their strengths and weaknesses, areas in content creation they excel at, and where they need attention. These continuous checks on one’s account, content, and performance will assist small businesses in developing higher-quality content. 

With increased exposure to various social media platforms, customer behavior and expectations about brands, products, and services are gradually changing.  At this point, small businesses must stay informed about changing market and customer trends by exploring the opportunities social media platforms like TikTok provide to stay relevant to their audience and capitalize on all opportunities for growth and expansion.

Small businesses must keep themselves updated about changing market trends. To read more about these topics, subscribe to Indigenous SME Business Magazine. For the latest updates, visit our Twitter page at @IndigenousSme 

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