Hope for a brighter future – a more inspiringly inclusive future – starts with a strong BELIEF of what’s possible. It is our imagination that FUELS that belief, and what we ingest daily fuels our imagination.
The act of inspiring inclusion becomes a habit as we SEE what’s possible when it is prioritized and practiced. Let’s break it down to daily bite-sized acts-of-awe to fuel our new habit:
ME: Who am I watching for today to celebrate? Who can I lift, support, or amplify? What if every encounter could be magical? Inspiring inclusion may be as simple as a smile, a text of acknowledgement, a thank you. “I see you. I hear you. I raise my hands to you and all your greatness.”
WE: As we move throughout our meetings, conversations, presentations, and decisions this week, are we making space for all voices and perspectives? Are we listening more than we are talking? Are we leading with the question, ‘What might be possible?’
US: Collectively, our stories fuel what we believe is possible for humanity at this moment in history. Creating a world where everyone thrives begins with what we SEE daily and how we choose to respond to it.
Media is the medicine we need to regenerate hope for our future. The stories we tell influence our future so let’s ensure they are inspiring inclusion.
Charlene SanJenko
Founder, Impact Producer, Media Visionary, reGEN impact media
Charlene SanJenko is the Founder of reGEN impact media. She is an Indigenous Storyteller, Impact Producer, and Media Visionary, a pioneer in the emerging industry of impact entertainment. reGEN impact media works on behalf of brands, investors, and storytellers with a common interest in media with vision to shift our future’s narrative. Visit regenimpactmedia.com to learn more.